God’s been teaching me to fly by the seat of my pants over the last several months. I’m learning this isn’t just for a season – it’s something I’m adopting as a lifestyle. If you know me at all, you know flying by the seat of my pants is not second nature to me. I’ve realized that for me, it all boils down to trust. Who am I going to trust? Will I trust my well-thought-out plans? Or will I trust God who knows all, who is I AM, and who thrives in the interruptions of life? I’ve made up my mind. This is my decision. I’m moving forward free and unfettered as He’s asking me to do, living carefree in the care of God, trusting Him, my one and only constant. Why? Because He's Worthy! Will you join me in this wild and exhuberating journey?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Cacoon of Change

When we ushered in 2011 just a couple months ago, I kept hearing that 2011 is a year of transition. That word resonated with me on many levels. I've been pondering the subject of transition for a while and would love to share some of the things the Lord has placed across my path and has used to encourage me with this year of transition. Transitions are often glorious and miraculous - once you've reached the other side of them. Think of a new baby - definitely miraculous and glorious - once the mother is through with the birth pains.
An article by Patricia King likened this year of transition to the metamorphosis of a caterpillar being transformed into a butterfly.  She says:
"The proverbial example used to describe this process is that of the caterpillar in its cocoon. It enters the cocoon as a caterpillar but exits a butterfly. It is a brand new creature when the process is completed. Everything about it is different. It enters as a crawling creature that consumes and destroys plants and exits a graceful butterfly that deposits life-giving pollen, granting plants and trees reproduction and fruitfulness. The metamorphosis transformed a consumer into a producer of life and beauty.
During the transition in the cocoon, the caterpillar literally liquefies. In the cocoon, the old disintegrates and the new takes form and shape. When the process is complete, it breaks out of the cocoon and emerges as a beautiful creature symbolizing freedom and new life."
Do you feel like you're trapped in the cocoon of change? I have good news for you, friend! God does not waste anything! I encourage you to submit yourself to our gracious Creator as you go through the process of taking on a new form. Whatever cocoon you find yourself in, posture yourself with open hands toward the Lord to receive grace for whatever he removes from your life (the process of being liquefied and disintegrated) and to receive grace for whatever beautiful thing he places in your life (beautiful, life-giving, butterfly wings to fly with - yes, please!).
I also read an article by Carol Kelley in which she spoke of scriptures the Lord gave her on how to persevere during seasons of transition. I think you'll find these timely words from God's love letter to us encouraging!
"Do your work as to Me (Ecclesiastes 1:3). What I have done will stand forever (Ecclesiastes 3:14); I have a time for every matter and deed (Ecclesiastes 3:17). Rest in Me, and cease striving (Ecclesiastes 4:6). Receive My instruction (Ecclesiastes 4:13).
"Enjoy the tasks I have assigned you to, and the work I have given you to do. Know that your work and your call are not in vain, and that I will reward you (Isaiah 49:4). Receive My joy (Ecclesiastes 5:18-20).
"Learn My wisdom; do not dwell on the former things (Isaiah 43:18). I have new things for you now (Isaiah 42:9; 48:6). I will show you how to proceed at the proper time (Ecclesiastes 8:5).
"I hold you, along with your past, present and future, in My hand (Ecclesiastes 9:1). Dwell in My joy, and be confident in My acceptance and approval of you (Ecclesiastes 9:7). Be mighty in word and deed (Ecclesiastes 9:10). You do not know everything your future holds; only I do (Ecclesiastes 10:14). Sow seeds of faith and righteousness in the fields I direct you to, and trust Me for the results (Ecclesiastes 11:6). You shall reap in due time (Galatians 6:9), for your labor is not in vain in Me. My words shall not return to Me empty, but will accomplish My purpose" (Isaiah 55:11)."
Wherever the Lord is taking us in this season of transition, we can take comfort in knowing that while the future may be unknown, we serve a God who knows the future and is working for our best and for His glory!